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Conservation Management

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Conservation Management  is integral to the GGEP’s vision  in order to maintain these areas in a natural state for future generations to enjoy as well as to restore those areas that have already been degraded

WHY DOGS on LEASH??    The effects of dogs within nature reserves has come under increased scrutiny over the last decade. Research has been conducted to measure the types, levels and perceptions of these impacts to come up with better policies to protect indigenous species while, at the same time, allow the public to walk their dogs within these areas.

Off-leash dogs have both direct and indirect impacts on fauna. While generally less successful with direct predation, killings and injuries do occur. Successful hunts are normally on pregnant, already injured and/ or very young individuals. Even when killings are unsuccessful, the indigenous fauna have been forced to expend valuable energy to escape. The predation of a Common Duiker in Giba Gorge a little while ago is a stark reminder of the devastating impact that can be caused by off-leash dogs.

Banks and Bryant (2007) showed that the presence of dogs resulted in a reduction in bird species richness and abundance by 41% and 35%, respectively, in comparison to areas in which dog walking was prohibited. These data add support to the rapidly growing body of evidence that “The most profound effects of carnivores on prey may be through fear rather than mortality” (Miller 2012). The remaining scent in particular has been associated with the displacement of fauna to less desirable habitats. Off-leash dogs have a tendency to explore areas off designated paths resulting in a large impact footprint.

Dogs also act as vectors of distribution for seeds of plants. Many garden plants and alien invasive species often utilise burrs to cling to fur which allows them to be spread. While this spread can be controlled if kept on-leash and on the path, dogs which are allowed to explore beyond the authorised track can take these seeds to areas less observable and thereby prevent control measures from being effective. This results in alien invasive species spreading through natural areas, impacting critically endangered biodiversity (e.g. grassland habitats in Giba Gorge), and creating a serious management problem.

Giba Gorge Nature Reserve is proud of its dog friendly status. This is despite the risks (discussed above) to the indigenous fauna and flora present within the reserve. The Proclamation of Giba Gorge as a formal Nature Reserve places additional pressure on the Management Committee to ensure the continued conservation of the environmental features that warranted the formal protection status in the first place. We therefore encourage dog walkers to abide by the on-leash requirement of the Nature Reserve to ensure that this privilege is not revoked.

Yours in Conservation

Giba Gorge Nature Reserve Management Committee


AGM 5 Feb 2025
Documents from the recent AGM can be accessed by clicking on the links:
Audited Financials 2024
Business plan 2024/26

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